
Good to Great Schools Australia’s range of ready-to-teach science lessons and resources are aligned to the Australian Curriculum. All lessons use explicit instruction and content that covers Australian perspectives and learning outcomes. Lessons are formulated based on scientific evidence of how students best learn and are further informed by cognitive science.

Use Australia’s only science program featuring explicit teaching

Our science curriculum programs feature sequenced learning progressions with built-in pedagogical teaching techniques and practices that teachers can deliver systematically with mastery and flair.

This logical and structured approach builds on students’ previously acquired learning, which enables them to master skills before progressing to more challenging tasks and to achieve cognitive growth from every lesson.  

Get your students to fall in love with knowledge 

Oz-e-science engages the natural curiosity of students and develops their love of science.  

Students develop a sense of wonder about the universe through a curriculum and teaching approach that strikes a proportional balance between teacher-directed instruction and inquiry learning strategies. The content is designed to make science a part of each student’s life journey by understanding the power and potential of scientific endeavour. 

Rely on a strong evidence base for improving student outcomes

The Oz-e-science teaching approach draws on research that analyses the most effective teaching methods around the world. This research includes the McKinsey & Company analysis of the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which found that the best performing education systems in the world use a blend of teacher-directed and inquiry-based instruction. The optimum balance preferences teacher-directed instruction while providing opportunities for inquiry learning. It also includes the internationally acclaimed research of Professor John Hattie on how different instructional strategies work better at different phases of learning. Oz-e-science identifies the three phases and gets the timing right for using different teaching strategies.

Oz-e-Science Years F-6

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Develop the confidence to teach science 

Teaching science can be difficult, especially for generalist primary school teachers. Oz-e-science provides all the background information and content teachers need as well as Teaching Guides and multimedia presentations to explicitly teach the lessons.  

Oz-e-science comes with a professional learning module for teachers and teaching assistants. This online module explores the instructional strategies, resources, unit components, inquiry skills and more, so your class can get the most out of the program. 
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Oz-e-science Comprehensive Years F-6

Compared to Oz-e-science Essentials, Oz-e-science Comprehensive explores scientific concepts in more depth and provides more opportunities for students to engage in experiments and other hands-on activities.

Mapped to the Australian Curriculum

Oz-e-science Mapped to the Australian Curriculum sets out the science standards and learning area sub-strands of the Australian Curriculum V8.4 and shows how Oz-e-science meets them. 

If you're already a member, click the tablet on the right to view the Oz-e-science mapping. 

If you're not a member yet, sign up for free access - membership is free, and always will be free. 
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