Our Languages curriculum program features sequenced learning progressions with built-in teaching techniques and practices that teachers can deliver systematically with mastery and flair. This logical and structured approach builds on students’ previously acquired learning, which enables them to master skills before progressing to more challenging tasks and to achieve cognitive growth from every lesson.
Use a language program that features an effective pedagogy
Harness the power of ancestral language
Guugu Yimithirr Years Foundation, 1 and 4
The program framework can be adapted to suit other languages. If you are interested in partnering with us, contact

Promote better educational outcomes through language
Learning a local language promotes cognitive learning and contributes to students’ academic and social development. It also helps develop self-confidence and connection to the community.
Access a complete toolkit of ready-to-deliver resources
• Assessment framework.
• Student Workbooks.
• Teaching Guides.
• Video tutorials.

Help sustain the Guugu Yimithirr language for future generations
Share the unique perspective of Indigenous Australians

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10AM 05 January until 10AM 06 January 2024
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School Partnerships Team